Wednesday 31 May 2017

Bert Groves

Bert Groves

Herbert Stanley (Bert) Groves (1907-1970),

1907- born at  Walhallow

 1923-  apprenticed to a plumber.

1927 - engaged by the Aborigines Protection Board as handyman on Bulgandramine Aboriginal reserve.

1943- enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force

 1945- was discharged

 1952 was appointed a justice of the peace.

1956- became first president of the Aboriginal-Australian

1958 was a founding member of the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement

1969- Groves married to Sofia Schieron

1970- died in Bankstown hospital and was buried with Methodist forms in Woronora cemetery.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

A Green World

recycling is everyone's responsibility.
In my opinion the  government should raise public awareness and release more information and educate people about recycling.
 Recycling is an important issue, and all people become more carefull about it.
The Protocol Kyoto         

The Protocol Kyoto is an international agreement. Which convention on climate change, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In my opinion the Protocol Kyoto  is a great hope for the environment changing.
Unfortunately, the United States reject the Protocol Kyoto because it is locking the economy.

The Solar Taxi

The Solar Taxi is very important invention of a Swiss engineer. It may help to reduce the damage humans have done to the planet.
The Solar Taxi is going to be a worldwide tour in the future, and it is going to be a good solution, for the energy prices to reduce.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

immigrant to Australia

The graph shows us the numbers of immigrants to Australia in 1992&2002.
The green colors in the chart show us how the immigrants in 1992 was very high,  and the purples colors shows the landing  of immigrants in 2002, and observe varying proportions in the years.

global warning and people awarness
